Thursday 22 May 2014

Hotel Chevalier by Wes Anderson

Jack: I promise, I will never be your friend. No matter what. Ever.

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Favourites: Se equivocó la paloma

The dove was wrong.

The dove was mistaken.
To travel north she flew south,
Believing the wheat was water.
Believing the sea was sky,
That the night was dawn.
That the stars were dew,
That the heat was snowfall.
Your skirt your blouse,
Your heart your home.
(She fell asleep on the shore,
You at the tip of a branch.)

Saturday 3 May 2014


Words tied together in a secure nautical knot
The same words I've spoken for most of my life
Different variations of those words brought people to tears,
the good kind of tears.
There was a time when people chose to come and listen to them
out of loneliness, maybe? Out of admiration, unlikely, but I would like to think so.
At that time, I was far from invisible, in fact, I seemed to be fluorescent
Rose petals were sprinkled over my yellow brick road
Loving and loved.
Off I went, across the gigantic pond
In search of a different kind of adventure and a new glow.
Bone-breaking cold.
There is so much one can say to keep on moving forward.
My mind felt sorry for me and decided to pull me inside my cocoon.
For years I avoided people.
Invisible to my neighbours and forgotten by my tribe.
Tea for one, please.
One ticket, please.
A hug for one, please.
I've been quenched a long time ago.
I sit at the bottom of this unforgiving deserted hole
with no hope of seeing that glow again.
My biggest aspiration is to someday be pulled out of the hole
just to speak what has been spared of the words I've known,
with what has remained of my tribe...and dissolve.

Sunday 26 January 2014